Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Work gets in the way

I had to work yesterday and did a lot of reading as well. Some knitting was done as well but I figured I could take a break to catch up on some reading and housecleaning after work.
I've almost finished one of my felted slippers. These are to replace my old felted slippers that are slowly wearing out. DH and DD both suggested that I darn the old ones, which I may yet do. The newer ones can be used by guests until the old ones are beyond repair. One thing about felted slippers is that visitors love them.
Another future project will be to reknit a gansey for my DD. I am not sure if it was me or if the instructions in Beth Brown-Reinsel's book "Knitting Ganseys" was misleading. I took my daughter's measurements and knitted a test swatch. Armed with all this information I created my graph and started knitting. (That was the easy part).
Once all was done and the loose ends were all darned in I presented my daughter with the completed sweater. Hmmmm, it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy to tight on her as well as too short in both the arms and the body. It fit me perfectly though which caused my daughter to wonder if I had intended to make it for myself all along.
I guess I should have allowed extra inches for a looser fit. The sleeves and body could have been dealt with as I worked on it.
Now I have to frog the entire sweater as well as a scarf I was knitting with the leftover yarn. Maybe I should be doing the gansey instead of Eris for the Knitting Olympics. Hmmm, something to consider.


Grace Garton said...

Hi Grace, wow so nice to meet another Grace!
My name is under yours in the knit olympics list.
I look forward to seeing your projects on your blog....Everyone seems to be knitting socks, I'm going to have to give it a go after the olympics:)

Anonymous said...

Well, you know...if you were going to make the gansey for yourself, I dunno if you would have knitted my initials into the pattern :p
Heh, you should have named me something starting with a G.